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Patrizia Garganese Was born on April 4, 1958, is an Italian model, actress, and TV presenter, mainly active between the seventies and the eighties.
At the age of seventeen, she took part in the Miss Italy contest in 1975, winning the Miss Cinema sash; on that occasion, she is noticed by Mike Bongiorno who, a couple of years later, will call her a little valley in two editions of Scommettiamo? (those of 1977 and 1978), to replace Paola Manfrin.
The popularity achieved on television makes her very popular also as a model, and for a few years Garganese worked for the major fashion magazines and magazines, appearing on numerous covers and also interpreting several photo novels; at the same time she studied modern dance at the Ials in Rome and I sing with maestro Gianni Dell’Orso. In 1979 he recorded a single with two songs for children: Gomma Gomma and Il Pulcino, written by Toquinho.
Rare Appearance:
With additional to Scommettiamo (1976) and Giochiamo al varieté (1980) Patrizia was called by the director Antonello Falqui to fill the role of young soubrette, together with Laura D’Angelo , in the Saturday night TV show Giochiamo al varieté , on texts by Michele Guardì . In the same year, she joined Renato Pozzetto in one of the three episodes of the film Sugar, honey, and pepper (1980), directed by Sergio Martino.
What Happened:
In 1982 he presented on Rai 2, The Afternoon, a “container transmission” that ranges between culture, films, and programs for children.
Around the mid-eighties, after getting married, she leaves the world of entertainment to retire to private life, subsequently, she deals with journalism and the organization of events related to the world of fashion. She currently lives in Taranto and is the mother of three children.
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