Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Surprising Actresses Who Went Nude in Movies!!

There are some actresses we expect to do nude scenes. There are many we want to do nude scenes (if I acted, I would certainly be in this camp). Then there are those that we would never expect that from. Okay, I will admit that the advent of the internet has practically killed all surprises. We go to the theater generally knowing who is going to show what when. However, even knowing that, very little can prepare you for the scene where Kathy Bates takes it off.

There you have it. Those are certainly some of the most shocking and surprising nude scenes to ever come out of Hollywood. What makes an actress decide to go nude? A lot of factors into it, we’re sure. Do you feel we missed anyone? And who were you most shocked to see bare all in the long history of nude scenes in movies?

Some of Hollywood’s most beautiful actresses hardly ever get naked in movies – so we’ve dug up the movies where they DID go nude. From Scarjo to Kirsten Dunst to Anne Hathaway, we’ve rounded up some of the most unexpected — and hottest — nude scenes of all time.

By abdo

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