Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Sexy Shower Scenes In Movies!!

Forgive me for being petty today but I want to write something about shower scenes in movies. Oh, those silly shower scenes. Sometimes you appreciate them. Sometimes you’re just left wondering what that scene was for.

I have been reviewing movies for years and it’s only now that I realize there’s some pondering we need to do on our shower scenes. I acknowledge that they used to be inserted in films just for the sake of “fan service” (as Asian drama, anime, and comics fans would put it) but I think it’s high time we give this topic some serious thought. We can’t be shallow with our shower scenes forever.

Take two movies into the shower? No, let’s take ten. In the final part of our bathroom trilogy, we move from the bath and the toilet into a nice, hot, steamy, cinematic shower. Warning: You may need a towel.

By abdo

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