Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Oral Sex Scenes in Movies..Really?

In 1899, just four years after the Lumière brothers hosted their first private screening of moving black-and-white images—or motion pictures—French filmmakers Albert Kirchner and Eugène Pirou birthed Le Coucher de la Mariée. The film, silent and seven minutes in length, featured cabaret star Louise Willy performing a sultry striptease. Kirchner and Pirou’s short is widely regarded as the first pornographic film ever made.

It wasn’t until Un chant d’amour, a short film directed by Jean Genet and released in 1950, that unsimulated sex crept into “mainstream” cinema. The 26-minute film, featuring cinematography by Jean Cocteau, told the tale of a guard in a French prison that derived pleasure from watching the inmates masturbate. Genet’s groundbreaking black and white film boasted close-up shots of male masturbation. Following the abandonment of the Hays Code, a strict set of moral censorship guidelines that governed Hollywood from 1930 to 1968, sex became more prevalent in cinema.

looking back at our most popular content it’s clear that sex has always sold. From the Top Ten Sexiest Music Videos to Orgasms on Film and the ultimate Top Ten Iconic Sex Scenes, we’ve covered pretty much all the bases. But there’s one more aspect of carnal activity that we haven’t explored so we thought it about time we go down the list of oral sex scenes on film.

By abdo

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