Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

At least, you’d be forgiven for thinking that if you’ve paid attention to all the sequels, reboots, and IP properties filling up theaters these days. But even before the era of superheroes and CG robots, people still thought Hollywood was out of ideas, what with all the westerns, musicals, and book adaptations being thrown their way.

So it seems as long as Hollywood has been around there have been cries of a creative well run dry and fans clamoring for more original films. But all hope isn’t lost, because despite the fact that, yes, Hollywood does often rehash the same ideas over and over until viewer fatigue eventually sets in, peppered throughout all of movie history have been original films that change the game so much that every movie that follows owes a bit of its DNA to said game changer.

Below we give you the 10 movies so original, so unexpected, and so breathtakingly successful at what they set out to do that they ended up changing Hollywood – and movie history – forever.

By abdo

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